continuous improvement as a way of life

Habit, Learning, Motivation

Talent Is Overrated – What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else

Talent Is Overrated

Download this executive summary in PDF: Talent Is Overrated by Geoff Colvin


Chapter 1 – The Mystery

  • Most people never reach outstanding performance even if they practiced for decades.
  • On average, experienced managers don’t produce high-caliber outcomes.
  • You become fine at your work with hard work but you won’t become a great performer. 
  • Extraordinary performers may have a gift that they discovered at a younger age.
  • Some searchers argue that the “gift” is a myth.
  • High performers have average IQ.
  • Deliberate practice is the key because they train themselves more efficiently.
  • Today the scarce resource is no longer money but human ability.
  • With the internet, workers have to compete with other workers around the world.

Chapter 2 – Talent Is Overrated 

  • Researchers made a study on musicians to try to find if “talent” was a thing. High performers practiced more.
  • The elite group practiced 2 hours per day vs 15min for the lowest group.
  • Talent: a natural ability to do something better than most people.
  • Is someone talented if he needs years of practice to reach this level?
  • Parents may be nurturing a skill in their children and call them gifted.
  • The science of genomics has not proven yet that it exists genes identify particular talents.
  • Mozart’s father was also a musician and a teacher. Mozart’s “talent” probably comes from hard work from a younger age.
  • Tiger Wood’s father was a golf addict and also a teacher. Same as Mozart, hard work made the champion.
  • Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are other examples of high achievers and there is no evidence that they were going to become great business persons.

Chapter 3 – How Smart Do You Have to Be? 

  • Memory and intelligence are two key skills for great performance.
  • Memory can be trained with practice.
  • IQ measures general intelligence but doesn’t measure social skills, honesty, or wisdom.
  • Higher intelligence doesn’t necessarily correlate with higher performance (ex: salesperson).
  • IQ is a decent predictor of performance on an unfamiliar task, but once a person has been at a job for a few years, IQ predicts little or nothing about performance.
  • A high IQ is not a prerequisite to extraordinary achievement.
  • We are limited by our physical constraints (ex: height)
  • Experience, inborn abilities, intelligence, and memory don’t automatically drive high performance.

Chapter 4 – A Better Idea 

  • Jerry Rice is a football player, he spent little time playing football but designed his practice around his specific needs.
  • In a study, the best violinists put more hours of lifetime practice.
  • “The differences between expert performers and normal adults reflect a life-long period of deliberate effort to improve performance in a specific domain.”

Chapter 5 – What Deliberate Practice Is and Isn’t 

  • Deliberate practice is an activity designed specifically to improve performance, often with a teacher’s help; it can be repeated a lot; feedback on results is continuously available; it’s highly demanding mentally, whether the activity is purely intellectual, such as chess or business-related activities, or heavily physical, such as sports; and it isn’t much fun.
  • Deliberate practice requires that one identify certain sharply defined elements of performance that need to be improved, and then work intently on them.

Chapter 6 – How Deliberate Practice Works 

  • High performers have better perceptions and interpretations of the indicators that average performers don’t even notice.
  • They anticipate the future to be better prepared and detect better the information.
  • They also have more knowledge in their field. By understanding deeper the problem, they have better strategies to solve problems.
  • Long-term working memory: top performers understand their field at a higher level and thus have a superior structure for remembering information about it.
  • Expert’s superior memory doesn’t extend beyond their field of expertise.
  • The more you practice the more you have myelination of your neurons.

Chapter 7 – Applying the Principles in Our Lives 

  • First, define what you want to accomplish.
  • Then design the first steps of your deliberate practice.
  • Practicing directly:
    • The music model: analyze a speech and its elements, and get feedback after each repetition.
    • The chess model: compare your decision with the one chosen by your mentor (case study).
    • The sports model: working on critical specific skills.
  • Practicing in the work:
    • Before the work: deliberate practice requires that one identify certain sharply defined elements of performance that need to be improved, and then work intently on them.
    • During the work: self-observation with metacognition (knowledge about your knowledge, thinking about your thinking).
    • After the work: self-evaluation compared to their standards.
  • Deepening your knowledge: become an expert in your field, build a mental model of your domain. The model helps you distinguish relevant from irrelevant information, and enables you to project what will happen next.

Chapter 8 – Applying the Principles in Our Organizations

  • Deliberately put managers into stretch jobs that will require them to learn and grow.
  • Give short-term work assignments outside of the person’s expertise to stretch him.
  • Encourage them to be active in their communities to learn new skills.
  • Mentoring and candid feedback.
  • Deliberate practice through inspiration.
  • Invest time, energy, and money.
  • Make leadership development part of the culture.
  • Develop teams, not just individuals (risks are low trust, competing agendas, unresolved conflicts, unwillingness to face the real issues).


Chapter 9 – Performing Great at Innovation 

  • As products and technologies are becoming commoditized, innovation and creativity are becoming even more valuable by the day.
  • Inspiration striking the genius is a myth, you need around 10 years of deliberate practice to get the “inspiration”. 
  • Knowledge is not a burden that limits people’s creativity.
  • Technical innovation comes from the improvement of existing technologies.
  • Organizations are not innovative, only people are.
  • Give clear direction on what kind of innovations are valuable for the organization.
  • Authorize your team to innovate and fail, extrinsic motivation (money) is not required.

Chapter 10 – Great Performance in Youth and Age

  • With rising standards and knowledge, you need more effort to hope to excel.
  • A supporting home environment enables a person to start developing early.
  • Parents choose the teachers for their children and invest time, money, and energy.
  • Need the combination of a stimulating and supporting environment to get an attentive and engaged student.
  • Aging makes people slow down but doesn’t impact the performance of an expert in his field (musician, chess player, athletes).
  • To maintain the performance, the expert still needs deliberate practice.

Chapter 11 – Where Does the Passion Come From?

  • Deliberate practice is difficult and not funny but high performers may enjoy the practice.
  • Intrinsic drive is more powerful than extrinsic drive.
  • The extrinsic motivation that is controlling reduces creativity.
  • In an organization, employees are discouraged because they don’t have the opportunity to work on projects they selected by themselves and because when they get promoted, they have more responsibilities and less freedom.
  • High performers are not born with “passion” but find their intrinsic motivation later.
  • Multiplier effect: “Each increase in competencies is matched to a better environment, and, in turn, the better environment will be expected to further enhance their competence.”
  • To start the multiplier effect, starting deliberate practice earlier makes the child feel he is special, and begin learning skills where competition is sparse.

Download this executive summary in PDF: Talent Is Overrated by Geoff Colvin

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